Sunday, April 12, 2009
hey guys =D
Evoke your dreams was GREAT right !
i know one stone loves Take 2 =)
we seem to be studying every now and then
like the guys are giving wy tuition and there is study session/group
anyway i'm not good at teaching people chinese but you can give me your work to take a look and i can correct it for you.
zhenying is going to sleep. nights! =D
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Hey guys! I'm back! haha.
anyways, i dun think i can give tuition.
after all, i myself am not that good. haha.
though i'll try helping wherever i can.
free 'tuition'
lols jk jk
Monday, April 6, 2009
Hey People!
James here,
and im gonna advertise
To those out there who needs cheap-and-most-probably-effective-and-if-not-free english tuition,
I'll be taking in students.
And remember hor! O levels L1R5 english is a must for those with no higher chinese! So DO CONSIDER GIVING ME A CHANCE, and maybe some spare change. haha.
Lessons most probably would be on sat, before youth ablaze.
its an hour and a half.
once a week.
40 bucks per month.
and it depends too you know.
coz if i print out worksheets or notes for you i also forking out my own money.
so pricing's not fixed at this point of time.
Let me know if you're interested.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Everyone aren't you excited for Evoke? Yes? Good. Then I'm not the only one haha :D
Ahh! I can't wait!!! Hahaha Anw, those who have not recieved my text,
we're meeting this Friday at 5 in church for teaner (which is tea + dinner hahaha my invention isn't it cool) Please text me if your coming or not :D
Okay bye!
P/s did I mention I'm VERY excited? No? Oh, I am! Hahaha
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Hey all!
Haha I'm here just to
gently remind you that if you haven't emailed our cell leaders about what we've surrendered & what we're going to do about it your waaaaaaaaaaaay past the deadline! (which is MONDAY btw) But its better late than never so quick quick quick go email them now! Haha
Okay see ya all on Saturday! :)