Thursday, August 20, 2009
HELLO 1-STONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can hear my voice from bedok? haha! Anyway, i've something to share from my heart and it's really really important. :) Would appreicate that you give me yr undivided attention for 3-5mins.

Btw, do you know what is one of the impt roles of a leader sometimes? It is to be "long-winded". haha! Time for me to help us recollect whatever we talked about at the start of the year and thruout. :)

Do you remember that this year, not only are we Destined for Greatness, but we want to go achieve that? I would like you to ask yourself the qns that the song of this blog goes, "Who am i?". When i ask myself that, i remember that i am 1 stone, needing 4 other stones.

If we look back the many months, there hasn't been any noticeable "greatness" we've achieved together as a cell. And i would like to remind us of our vision, our prayers, our fasting, our teachings, our talkings. Imagine after all that, we give up at the end? Isn't it a waste?

We've done the "sowing", now shall we do the "reaping"? I pray that God will instill into us the burden to reach out to our frens and not be indifferent to this.

If we want our youth church to grow, we've to start in our cell. Shu En and myself need ALL of us to work together as a team. And i can promise you that if we press on and achieve greatness, there will be this unexplainable joy in us!!

Oh man, i'm so excited even as i'm typing this. Shall we press on? Remember, let's do it because Jesus has done it. :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

please email your exam timetables (O level & prelims) to Linus and I! VERY IMPORTANT HOR! If not your cell leaders will have difficulty praying specifically for each of you. so if you want extra blessing from us, send send send us your timetables! :D

excited to see you guys tmr for pot luck! love you guys!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hi onestone, 

this is rather URGENT! can everyone sms Linus and me about what food you are bringing? Gab will help coordinate but we need to know ASAP!! if not no food to eat later :P 

here are some suggestions:
1. chicken wings
2. shepherd's pie
3. dessert
4. shaker fries :P
5. cheesy hotdogs
6. cheesy potato
7. seaweed chicken
8. garlic bread
9. pasta (?)

the people confirmed going are:
Daryl, Gab, James, Zeph, Lixian, John, ZhenYing, Jiayi, Lydia, Waiyee, Phyllis, Priscilla, Marcus

deadline for telling me is by THURSDAY NIGHT! If not i will assign the food to you muahahahaha

Monday, August 3, 2009
hello ppl (:

regarding th funday dis coming Sun. Those who are going, pls bring one food item to share as th church might not have enough food. so we are advised to have a potluck (: pls msg me or email me OR tag th blog on wat u intend to bring for th cell & i'll try my best to organise :D thank u very much for ur cooperation (:
